The idea of a forming a nonprofit to benefit local communities in WNC has been brewing for a year before SAARPC, Inc. launched in January of 2021. Founder of SAARPC, Inc. and local Asheville, NC fishing guide was inspired by many local environmental agencies, and co-workers that we can make a difference.
“We are constantly picking up trash on the rivers. My goal is to establish a nonprofit that will benefit future generations. Our kids, our families, and our friends children will inherit this mess if we don’t protect it.” – Paul K., President of SAARPC, Inc.
Our mission is to purify our rivers in Western North Carolina through trash pick-ups, educational outreach programs, and planting trees for sediment control.
The Southern Appalachians of Western North Carolina are home to some of the last remaining remnants of expansive wild and natural areas in the Southeast. This makes the thousands of miles of rivers, creeks, and streams residing within them some of the cleanest sources of water found anywhere in the world. Ten principle watersheds are found within our mountains that serve as a vital source of pure water for wildlife, plants, and millions of people both within Western North Carolina and hundreds of miles downstream. Our watersheds serve as the water sources for cities like Knoxville, Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans to name a few. The New, Watauga, Nolichucky, French Broad, Little Tennessee, and Hiwassee River Systems all flow into the Mississippi River and then into the Gulf of Mexico. The Yadkin, Catawba, Savannah, and Broad River Systems all flow directly into the Atlantic. Regardless of where they end up: all of our streams and rivers within these watersheds are critically important for both wildlife and human health.

Our Efforts
Join the SAARPC movement and help us purify our river systems in WNC with a multitude of joint efforts. Help clean river systems while providing habitat for hundreds of aquatic insects, and fish species. Let’s save our threatened aquatic species: Appalachian elktoe and hellbenders.

Call Us
(828) 691-1506 (828) 467-7862
Open Hours
Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm