Donation Disclaimer
For all donations, Southern Appalachian Anglers River Preservation Coalition, Inc. has the rights to use your donation funds at the discretion of Southern Appalachian Anglers River Preservation Coalition, Inc. to fulfill our mission. Our mission is simple: Let’s Purify Our Natural Waterways. This includes organizing community trash pick ups, performing educational outreach programs, and replanting trees to repair riparian zones.
We truly thank you for your donations and ongoing support!
Proud 2% For Conservation Partner
Our honesty and integrity is backed by our pledge to be a community profit with 2% For Conservation. Our partnership relies heavily on how we operate our nonprofit. Specifically where our money goes and how much time we allocate to time in the field.
As a donor to our nonprofit you can rest assured that your funds will go directly to helping conserve waterways right here in our Western North Carolina mountains.

Press Release: Sept. 7th, 2022 The environmental nonprofit SAARPC hosted its first ever corporate event with CRANE ChemPharma & Energy, Resistoflex® on August 21st, 2022. The team of 9 volunteers pulled out over 15 bags of trash, and over 10 tires from the Catawba river in Marion, North Carolina. The recently founded nonprofit began helping protect the environment through trash pickups on waterways in Western North Carolina in 2021. So far SAARPC has collected over 20,000 pieces of plastic to be properly disposed of. Keeping valuable waterways cleaner and the environment a safer place for humans to enjoy the outdoors. SAARPC is very appreciate of the support from CRANE ChemPharma & Energy, Resistoflex®. “The pickup was a huge success and our partnership with likeminded companies are an asset to the public”, says Paul K., The President at SAARPC. To learn more about SAARPC and how the nonprofit is transforming Western North Carolina visit